Human Toxicity Levels At All-Time High...
By Chris A. Austin
As we go through our day to day lives it's amazing when you stop and think about the amount of environmental pollution and toxic chemicals our bodies are exposed to and subsequently ingest. From the moment we wake up and down that first cup of coffee which we know for various reasons is highly toxic because of the chemicals used to treat the coffee beans to the over-processed breakfast foods we usually choose.
If you've ever looked at the ingredients of our over-processed foods then you know that you usually can't pronounce half of the words on the list, and we don't even think twice about ingesting it. Even our meats, fruits and vegetables are loaded with hormones, pesticides and herbicides. We go to brush our teeth and more harsh chemicals enter our body from our toothpaste which is very harmful if too much is swallowed.
Our deoderants contain aluminum and are colognes and perfumes are nothing more than wonderfully smelling toxic chemicals. Look at just about any bottle of perfume or cologne and you will see the warning "highly flammable".
Step outside for a breath of fresh air and breathe in the harmful particulates and other pollutants that fill the air. Do a little morning cleaning and have more highly toxic chemicals enter your bloodstream as they are absorbed by your skin. And this is all before you've even gotten to work in the morning. It is a fact that their are more than 80,000 man-made chemicals in existence today with no plans to stop more from being introduced.
Most doctors believe that the substantial increase in human toxicity could account for the epidemic numbers of allergy sufferers, fybromyalgia patients, chronic fatigue, nervous system disorders, migraine headaches, ADD, depression, anxiety and many other common modern societal ailments.
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Do You Breathe?
... our air is filled with harmful pollutants.
Do You Drink Bottled Water?
... can be loaded with antimony toxins, which are suspected carcinogens.
Do You Eat Fruits And Vegetables?
... filled with pesticides and herbicides.
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Toxic Synergy...
Although there are over 80,000 chemicals in existence today, it is an unfortunate fact that the requirements are very minimal for human safety assessments.
It is a fact, however, that these chemicals, an unknown percentage of which are toxic, once entered into the human body, can remain there indefinitely. It is another unfortunate fact that toxic chemicals in the body cause disease.
The awareness of the chemical effect on humans is justly starting to grow as scientists and researchers are continually working more and more to uncover this very issue.
What is also alarming, as desribed by the leaders in this field, is not just the greater than expected amount of foreign substances and toxic chemicals present in humans but how this potentially caustic mix can react within the body creating what is described as toxic synergy where the combinations of chemical reactions can be endless.
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Reducing Body Toxicity...
Based on the growing knowledge and awareness of human toxicity, many doctors, nutritionists, dieticians and other healthcare practitioners agree that being "healthy" in the 21st century is not measured solely by maintaining a proper diet and exercise regimen alone.
There is now an equally if not more important necessity for periodically detoxifying your body. The best and most important long-term way to reduce human toxicity is through the reduction and avoidance of toxic chemicals on a global level, which is a process that is gaining great momentum as witnessed by the modern-day green movement.
Through the greater use of organic and environmentally conscious products and more responsible corporate and manufacturing processes, human toxicity, over time, will be reduced.
In the interim, however, another form of body detoxification that uses toxin-reducing patches is growing in popularity. This detoxifying strategy is very effective in drawing toxic chemicals and other toxins out of the body while you sleep, and they are very easy to use.
Commonly referred to as detox foot patches, these toxin cleansers help to eliminate body toxins and lower overall toxicity. The patches utilize exotic all-natural ingredients and have just as good, if not better, detoxification benefits than any other internal cleansing product on the market today.
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What Is Body Burden...
As more information is uncovered, researchers such as the ones at the World Health Organization, are able to establish what types of environmental and chemical pollution are the key contributors to disease. These pollutants, usually called "body toxins", are unfortunately accumulated mainly through regular daily life.
The total amount of toxicity in your body is typically called your body's burden. Body burden is something that is quantifiable through a body burden test in which blood, urine and saliva are examined. Below is a list of some of the more common toxins found in most humans, where they came from, and what they have been proven to cause in the body
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Fig 01. X-Ray - Toxins - Burden on the Body

A colorless, sweet-smelling and highly flammable chemical solvent used in the production of rubber and leather products and also found in paint and paint thinners. Xylene has been proven to cause neurological problems including headaches, dizziness and confusion.
A substance added to plastic to increase it's flexibility which is slowly being phased out of use in both the U.S. and Europe because of the growing knowledge of phthalate's health risks. Also found in nail polish, perfumes, and adhesives phthalates have been found to cause endocrine system dysfunction and possible liver damage.
Highly carcinogenic compounds directly correlated with an increase in the liklelihood of attaining cancer. Dioxins are created mainly through manufacturing processes that include chlorine and become ingested by humans through contaminated ground water and ingesting contaminated fish.
Found in coolants, pesticides, flame retardants, sealants and adhesives PCB's have the ability to circulate the entire globe via the earth's atmosphere. PCB's have been linked to certain types of cancer and can also cause headache, fatigue, possible liver damage and thyroid problems.
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Reducing Your Toxicity...
lthough there is no complete consensus as to the best method for reducing our body's toxic burden, there is much evidence showing that body toxins can be effectively removed by using internal cleansing products. The toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis are constantly being filtered by our body's digestive system.
However, our bodies were never intended to filter the amount of body pollution that we are exposed to in this day and age. Unable to handle the work load by itself our bodies need help. Toxin cleansing helps invigorate the body's own filtration process, exponging it of unwanted waste, leaving the body to function better on its own.
The goal of toxin cleansing is two-fold:
1. To reduce the risk of chemical build-up in the body and to obtain a better state of health
2. wellness by burning fat and losing weight.
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By Chris A. Austin